Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cupcake Life

Its been a long time since I've updated this blog sheesh! So many things have happened In the years since I started including me having my first child. I love my twin b Aka my baby boy Jordan Alexander :-). Anyhoo I've decided that I want to take this blog in a different direction. I discovered that I have a love and strong passion for making cupcakes. I don't think it's my motherly instincts showing because I always wanted to bake but was just too darn lazy. I dont know If I will officially make this my second sides hustle but I am having fun thinking of new creative ideas for my cupcakes. I hope that someone or a few people will see my cupcake creations and ask me to create something for them. What if I can turn this into a huge business that will do wonders for my family and I? It never hurts to try so that being said. Every week I'm going to have a cupcake of the week. I'm going to display my cupcakes on every social network I possibly can! I'm also willing to take suggestions and advice. Ok it's time to stop before I start to babble. My first cupcake of the week I've proudly name Over The Rainbow. Enjoy the pix